As we worship together week by week, many members of our church take an active part in making our worship happen!
Our servers range in age from 10 years old to adults, and perform various roles during our Sunday services. They wear white robes and their tasks include carrying candles, the gospel book or a cross in our procession, and assisting the clergy at the altar during services of Holy Communion.
Many of our members take turns reading from the Bible during worship.
The Prayers of the People are an important part of our worship. If you would like to have someone included in our prayers, just speak to the clergy (or add their name to the list at the entrance to the church). Our intercessors faithfully lead these prayers during worship.
Eucharistic Ministers
On Sundays these folks wear white robes with a special medallion, and help the clergy in sharing communion (the bread and wine) with those who wish to receive it. Some also take communion to those who are unable to come to church due to health concerns.
Our sidespeople take on several roles; they are ushers before and during the service, seeking to ensure worshippers feel welcome and have a service bulletin to follow. They take up the collection, and provide a count of attendance for the clergy (to make sure we have enough bread and wine at communion time!). They also tidy the church at the conclusion of our worship.
Altar Guild
Working behind the scenes, the members of the Altar Guild set up the church for every service, providing the bread and wine and candles, ensuring the linens and silver are clean and changing the church's ornaments to the colour for the season, and decorating the church for special occasions.
Worship Committee
The members of the worship committee assist the clergy with planning and evaluating our worship services, both on an ongoing basis and for special occasions.