Everything we do at St Andrews is a way of giving back joyfully to our God who has joyfully given so much to us. We recognize that giving is a vital part of a healthy and joy-filled relationship with God, and that giving involves not only our financial resources, but our time and talents as well. After all, everything we have - everything! - belongs to God. We are striving to take good care of all God's gifts for the sake of the world. Join us!

Time & Talent:

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." (Frederick Buechner)

We recognize that in an increasingly busy world, your time is one of your most valuable resources. It is a challenge for each of us to steward our time well. We recognize that the above quote is true in a profound way. Whether it's gardening, sewing, accounting, writing, public speaking, mechanics, or any number of other activities: identifying and using your gifts and time in the service of God's ministry brings deep joy.


We seek to steward our financial resources carefully and well so that we can best serve our community and our world. We welcome you to be a part of this! There are a number of ways to contribute financially to the church:

Online Giving through CanadaHelps is a safe and secure way of giving a one-time or recurring gift.

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!
Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) is a meaningful and convenient way to give. Through PAR automatic debits are withdrawn from your bank account to support the ministry of your local parish. There is no extra charge to you, and it provides a very helpful way for the church to budget accurately throughout the year.

• Placing a traditional offering envelope in the offering plate during the service. Each week an offering plate is passed around at a particular moment in the Sunday worship service. This offering time is part of the service because it is a reminder to be thankful for how much God has given us, and an opportunity to give back from God's gifts to further God's ministry in this world.

Legacy giving is a wonderful and thoughtful way to continue to make a difference for years to come. A legacy gift, through a bequest in your will, life insurance, or a gift of appreciated securities, is a gift deferred - a way of expressing your wishes now about how your resources are to be used later. It is an opportunity to benefit the Church and the world for generations to come.

Tax receipts are provided at the end of the year for donations of $20 or above.